How to Order
All Seldex products need to be ordered online. It's quick and easy - ready to get started?
1/. We only sell to professional photographers - if you are one you can register with us on the home page of our website. This will allow you to then log in so you can view pricing and order online. All pricing is in Australian dollars. If you are outside Australia and would like to view the pricing in your own currency you can select this in your account settings. You will then see the Australian price and the approximate price in the currency of your choice. This is based on the day's exchange rate. You will be charged in Australian dollars.
2/. You can save favourite products by clicking the heart in the top right hand corner of product pages. Your favourites will then be saved in your account and you can easily navigate to them in the future.
3/. When you are ready to order go to the webpage of the product you wish to order. On the right hand side of the page you will see the online order form. It's an easy step through process from here selecting the options you require as you work through the order. You will notice small icons near some of the options like materials, foil colours etc and if you click these a popup window will appear showing you a photo of the options available. At the end of the order form there is a comments section in case you need to add notes to your order. The product price is always on display in the top right hand corner in Australian dollars, together with a currency converter for international photographers. This will show you the approximate price in the currency you have set up in your account.
4/. Once your order is complete you can add it to your cart, but before this, you may want to click on the "save as template" under the "add to cart" tab. The "save as template" allows you to save the order to your account so you can re-order in the future without filling in all the information. This is great for products such as USB Print Boxes or Frame Mounts, products you will re-order in the future. It can also be used for albums as it will pre-populate your order form, yet you can still change the cover material or number of leaves, whilst leaving other options the same.
5/. When your order has been added to your shopping cart you will then be asked to upload any image files your order needs. Please make sure you have correctly prepared your files as per our specifications. This information can be found on the product webpage or under the File Preparation webpage. Please make sure to check the number of files is correct.
Quite a few of our products require you to use one of our Photoshop templates to create the design - for example our Bamboo Boxes, Timber Boxes, Image Folio Boxes etc. You can find the template for each product on the product webpage - underneath the main photo there are information tabs such as ABOUT, SIZES etc - here you will find an icon for TEMPLATES and you can download the template from here. there are also design instructions that explain how to correctly use the template.
6/. Double check and review your order is correct before completing the check out process. At anytime (before submitting) the order can be cancelled from your shopping cart.
7/. Once your order is submitted you will receive a confirmation order from us. Most orders will take 1 to 3 weeks for manufacturing and delivery, depending on the product. You can review the expected delivery time on the product webpage. If you need a product by a certain date make sure to enter this information in the comments section when you are placing your order and we will do our best to fulfill your request.
IMPORTANT!! There is an area in the check out process where you can add any discount coupons that you have have received - or studio sample coupon codes found on our Studio Display webpage. You will need to remember you can only enter one coupon code per order. Therefore if you plan to order using 2 different codes you will need to place 2 separate orders and ask us to link them together if you would like us to ship them together.
Please remember we are here to help, feel free to chat via our online chat, email or call our sales team on +61 3 9387 1530 with any questions you may have!